NORC now conducts the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation
From the NORC NOW email: $394 billion. That’s how much hunters, anglers, and wildlife observers spent on
Conducting hypothesis tests with a Turnbull estimator with pooled data drives me crazy
I wrote a referee comment to the effect of: Many contingent valuation method researchers use the nonparametrice
Understanding Bidding Behavior in Multi-unit Experimental Auctions with Latent Class Models
Tanga Mohr and John Whitehead [1]Department of Economics Appalachian State University Introduction The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is
A new working paper shows that everything isn’t fine
In which we* use old-timey contingent valuation willingness to pay for a recreation trip questions. After
This looks like something that a real environmental economist might be able to use in their research*
From Data are Plural (10/11): Michigan air permit violations. For local news organization Planet Detroit, freelance journalist Shelby Jouppi has built
Daily demand and supply: olive oil
From the WaPo (Olive oil prices reach record highs as Spain’s harvest is halved): Extreme heat, wildfires
Errata: Estimating recreation benefits through joint estimation of revealed and stated preference discrete choice data
I recently received a request for the NLogit code for this article: Whitehead, John C., and Daniel
Breaking news: “State parks won’t be closed because of the shutdown” (WSJ)
From the WSJ (National Parks Will Close if Government Shuts Down): National parks will close their gates
I presented a paper in both Alaska and Hawaii this year
It was the same paper. I was excited to boast that I might be the only
Teaching consumer surplus with the Becker-DeGroot-Marschak method in an environmental and resource economics course
The other day in my intro environmental and natural resource economics class we used the BDM